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Orphanage Revitalization: Project Bless A Child

September 30th-October 8th 2011

Hole In Roof, CAN-DO Haiti

CAN-DO, Orphanage Revitalization Project: Project Bless A Child -- September 30th-October 8th 2011

On September 30th CAN-DO will begin Project Bless A Child. After the January 2010 earthquake, the Bless A Child Children's Orphanage suffered structural damage, a decrease in support and an increase in orphans.

Located 15 miles outside of Port Au Prince, Haiti, Bless A Child is home to 30+ orphans. Jean Alexandre, founder of Bless A Child, works tirelessly and does the very best he can with extremely limited resources. The kids, ages 4-14, are happy with very little and have welcomed the additional orphans placed at Bless a Child with open arms. The feeling we got during our visits were that this orphanage operates very much like a family unit and that with some help from the CAN-DO Team and our donors we will be able to make a huge impact in the day to day quality of life for these children.

Orphanage - CAN-DO, HaitiOur goal is to do the following:

  • fix the 5 x 6 hole in the roof
  • complete some patchwork on the building
  • rebuild the south wall where the rain comes through and security is an issue
  • finish the walls
  • paint
  • work to make the kitchen and bathroom more functional
  • resurface the unfinished floors
CAN-DO will also provide much needed furniture items and food to the orphanage.

In addition to the above mentioned items, CAN-DO will also:
  • complete a water well to provide an ongoing source of clean water
  • plant a garden to provide fresh vegetables
  • implement programs for the kids

Light Fixture, Orphanage - CAN-DO, HaitiThe CAN-DO Team will work alongside locally hired Haitian labor including; electricians, masons, plumbers, painters and other support staff. The majority of the supplies needed to complete the project will also be purchased in Haiti.

CAN-DO, "CONCEPT TO COMPLETION", want to see how we do it? Click here CAN-DO, Orphanage Revitalization Project: Patience Orphanage.

Our goal is to complete Project Bless a Child in 8 days- with YOUR HELP we CAN-DO this!

Orpahage Stairs - CAN-DO, HaitiOrphanage Dangerous - CAN-DO, Haiti

CAN-DO, Haiti Orphanage ProjectCAN-DO Haiti Orphanage, Bless The Children

Orphanage Revitalization: Project Patience Orphanage
September 2010
Haiti Relief - 'Project Patience Orphanage 2010' is A certified 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. and the associated logo and all associated marks are the trademarks of
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