THE SITUATION: Hurricane Ike ripped through the Gulf Coast with 143 mph winds and left many communities suffering. Ike devastated the coastline from Louisiana to Kennedy County, Texas and left over 110 people dead. Damages from Ike in U.S. coastal and inland areas are estimated at $29.6 billion making it one of the costliest Atlantic hurricane of all time.
OUR ASSESSMENT: When CAN-DO conducted assessments in Cameron Parish, Louisiana two months after the hurricane, residents were still living in tent camps. The government told people their houses were habitable, but CAN-DO discovered many cases where this was not true. Eight weeks had passed since the hurricane hit and no government assistance had reached residents in Cameron Parish.
CAN-DO raised awareness to the problems families in Cameron Parish were facing by live streaming our video assessments.
Upon arrival we were met by enthusiastic locals who were surprised to see people coming to help. We continually heard of the “run-around” and the lack of cooperation from the officials “in charge.” We listened to the community’s pleas for not only state and federal financial assistance, but also for an answer to the larger question, “Why are we being ignored?”
• Brought national attention to the situation by reaching out to community leaders, the media and held regular community meetings.
• Set up food and water distribution centers in Cameron Parish, Louisiana
• Made supply drops to remote areas reaching hundreds of people who had yet to receive aid
VIRTUAL VOLUNTEER – PHILANTHROPY IN REAL-TIME: CAN-DO’s live stream of our video assessment was intended to bring attention and awareness to the circumstances as a result of the disaster. It was made available to the general public, partners, other NGOs and governmental agencies in the hope that relief and assistance would be made a priority and provided to the people of Cameron Parish and others in Louisiana.

As a resident of Cameron Parish, Becky Reiser led the assessment team throughout the community and went on to continue to help us not only through the recovery process but brought awareness, through her organization Livin’ the Music.