CAN-DO provides a money-back guarantee on all donations. Every dollar counts. And to ensure donors know exactly how their money is being spent, they’re provided access to project progress reports and videos in real-time.
CAN-DO has a proven track record of cutting through the inefficient bureaucracy that often stalls relief efforts after a disaster strikes. Their unique approach, which includes hiring locals, produces rapid results distributing food, water, medical supplies and debris clean-up.
Sustainable recovery and revitalization is an essential component of CAN-DO’s approach. We listen to the needs of the local community and develop projects that deliver immediate yet sustainable solutions. This approach empowers residents and provides the best possible solution for long-term success.
CAN-DO’s Veterans Watch team employs military veterans to provide immediate and direct support to survivors of disasters & aid in humanitarian missions around the world.
CAN-DO is on the ground in Texas providing critical aid to forgotten communities. We’ve set up a CRC (Community Revitalization Center) in Rose City – a small town that has lost everything and has few means to rebuild. We’ve set up their distro hub, are ushering in supplies, providing mobile showers, mold remediation services, advocating on behalf of the residents & much more. As always, we'll document our progress for our donors and 100% of the funds raised will go directly to the project.