RWANDA FLOODS – 2007/2008
THE SITUATION: Heavy rains hit the village of Bigogwe, Rwanda causing landslides and catastrophic flooding. The local population of 1,976 was forced to relocate to a refugee camp one mile from the devastated village. Due to Bigogwe’s remote location in the mountains, just south of the Congo border, the disaster received no media coverage resulting in minimal aid.
OUR ASSESSMENT: CAN-DO arrived at the refugee camp the day after the flooding to assess and activate relief efforts. The village was in a state of emergency with villagers on the brink of a possible health epidemic. Over ten people in less than a week contracted dysentery and the numbers were rapidly rising. When we arrived, there were 25 confirmed dead and over one hundred missing, according to our local ‘fixer’ Peace Byukusenge. As the floodwaters subsided, the body count continued to rise. This disaster, the first of this magnitude in this region, had taken the local community by surprise and our assessment was they were simply not equipped to set up of a proper camp or maintain a proper food source.
• Re-established a new displaced camp for 351 families that were still in need of shelter and relief supplies.
• Distributed survival packs to each family.
• Rebuilt safe and reliable toilet facilities
• Distributed six months’ worth of food and water for families in the village
THE SITUATION: The Kagugu Primary School, just outside of the capital city Kigali in Rwanda, Africa, serves over 2,750 children from 1st through 6th grade. The Kagugu Primary School project served as the model school and community-learning center that has set the standard for all schools throughout the country. Our CAN-DO team had the honor of partnering with Steve Paletta and Brett as part of their Education Revitalization Project via their organization International Education Exchange. We met with key officials and community leaders including the Minister of Education, Jeanne D’Arc Mujawamariya, and together coordinated a strategic plan to ensure the success of the program.
• Completed a new library, reading room and teacher training center
• Constructed 13 new classrooms
• Rehabilitated 12 classrooms already in place
• Provided classroom supplies, backpacks and computer
• Outfitted the soccer team with new athletic gear donated by Adidas


Through his organization International Education Exchange, Stephen Paletta, has made several trips to Rwanda revitalizing communities. CAN-DO thanks Stephen for introducing to such a great program and experience.