As veterans transition from military life to civilian life they often struggle to find careers where their experience can be directly translated into a civilian career. Veterans Watch utilities the talents, experience and professionalism of our American heroes and provides them with a sense of purpose and steady income.
Donations to CAN-DO.ORG contribute to the salaries of the veterans on our team who provide incomparable skills and experience to each project. Your donation helps create a professional force of heroes whose sole job is to provide disaster relief and recovery.
This program is a win-win for everyone involved: veterans continue serving others with meaningful missions; donors get to see their money make a powerful difference on many levels, and communities in need get the highest quality assistance available.

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CAN-DO’s Veterans Watch team has been created by veterans, for veterans. It is a highly mobile and uniquely equipped group composed of military veterans and other skilled personnel that provide immediate and direct support to victims of disasters and aid in humanitarian missions.
We employ veterans because they are experts in providing immediate aid to devastated communities. They have been trained to provide leadership and knowledge to extremely difficult situations. They are uniquely suited to exist in austere environments and function under the most difficult circumstances while providing unparalleled results to those in need. In the field, nobody is calmer under pressure or better prepared to focus their energy and experience on bringing order to the chaos and safety to citizens.
Unfortunately, after many of our service members return home from combat, they return to a system that fails to reintegrate them back in to civilian life effectively. They find themselves searching for that community and purpose that was the cornerstone of their military experience and most often end up underemployed and struggling to find a sense of purpose.
CAN-DO’s Veterans Watch program provides an opportunity to give veterans a community and clear purposeful missions. They once again find themselves on the front lines, only this time in communities after disasters and with a clear focus on helping others and rebuilding lives. This revolutionary approach to disaster relief not only makes communities in need stronger, but through your donations helps pay the salaries of veterans who regain their sense of self and improve disaster response.
CAN-DO has built a reputation of providing immediate, transparent and sustainable results in a variety of disaster and poverty relief situations.
Our nation’s veterans are an incredible resource. Well-trained and experienced in the face of uncertain and oftentimes dangerous conditions, these brave men and women have specialized skills needed such as emergency medicine, heavy equipment operation, logistics, and high-speed communications knowledge.
The CAN-DO’s Veterans Watch team is built upon the experience and training of military veterans. They are highly qualified in a variety of tasks that are not combat related. It has been said that people join the military for love of country, but soldiers fight for their buddies. When veterans are asked what they miss most about the military, they will unanimously respond with “the camaraderie” – knowing that you can trust your buddies and that they are watching out for you. Selfless service to a cause is the most meaningful activity for them. Veterans Watch is built upon those same organizational principles thus maximizing their skills and providing a strong sense of purpose.
The Veterans Watch program works because:
• CAN-DO has a proven track record in responding to critical situations and providing immediate and direct assistance. The Veterans Watch Teams will fill a unique niche and void that currently exists in the response efforts. By facilitating the recovery process and not competing with other response organizations, CAN-DO will establish a dominant position.
• Military veterans are uniquely skilled in assessing situations, establishing control and coordinating efforts among many different groups. These skills will allow them to facilitate the recovery operations and maximize everyone’s effort in a non-competitive environment.
• Military veterans are skilled, trained and confident to operate in hazardous environments. It’s not a gamble to them – it’s a calculated assessment of the situation through methodical risk assessment and mitigation procedures. Just like the reporters on the Weather Channel who stand on the front lines of a pending disaster, CAN-DO’s Veterans Watch team can also be on front lines reporting and coordinating immediate recovery operations.
From payroll services, to staffing support personal, our mission is to provide veterans with the highest quality solutions to help you achieve personal or organizational success. We scour the land for the best in order to offer the best. In effect, we are the best. We’re the Chief of Staff. Working together, we’ll quickly set the standard that there or no limits to anything you’re looking to accomplish.
The USSOCOM Care Coalition supports Special Operations Forces (SOF) Wounded, Ill, or Injured Warriors and their families. The Care Coalition supports the entire SOF family and the advocacy is for life. The goal of the Care Coalition is to accomplish the mission by-through-with government and non-government organizations.
The mission of Veterans Link Up is to build a partnership of military and civilian service providers, who honor the service of military personnel, Veterans, and the sacrifices of their families, by providing comprehensive services to support the achievement of their personal and professional goals.
“Coming back from Iraq was extremely difficult for me. I came out of the military and was at a dark place. I knew in order for me to heal, I needed to do something with my life that would honor my brothers that didn’t make it home. In 2011 I started working with CAN-DO and I finally got that feeling back – the feeling that I am finally part of something bigger again, the feeling that I am an asset to humanity. I am not somebody that is taking away from the civilian population. We’re in the business of saving lives and that’s exactly the way it should be. I am truly humbled to give back through humanitarian work and have this second chance at life.” — Kevin Murphy, U.S. Army (2000-2005); water purification specialist
“For me, joining CAN-DO was a way for me to pay it forward now. And some might say ‘well you paid it forward before,’ but this is for me. This is for the healing of my soul. Eric [CAN-DO founder and CEO] inspires me so much. I have never seen a person give so much of himself, and not ask for anything back. So when Eric offered me this job… a job that utilizes the skills I have acquired while serving my country and allows to save and rebuild lives – I was all in.” — Joseph Serna, U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret (Ret.). Serna is the recipient of many military awards, including two Purple Hearts, three Bronze Stars and a Bronze Star Medal for Valor.
“CAN-DO’s Veterans Watch program was the right fit for me from the beginning. I look at it as us forming a peace army–and I only use the word army because there really is no other word to really capture that. We’re a group of people focused on a mission that is about saving lives, revitalizing communities and getting the job done. And coming from the Special Operations community, part of our strategy for success is something we call force multiplying. You teach the teachers, and then they can take that information and apply it somewhere else in the community after the CAN-DO team leaves. All my experiences both as a soldier and civilian have prepared me to be an asset to this team.”
— Laz Corales, U.S. Navy SEAL (2002-2008)