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UPDATE FROM THE FIELD- January 30, 2010

We just finished our last drop of the day- we started at the “House of the Patient” Orphanage and right across the street was a 2nd orphanage- so we dropped aprxtly 600 gallons of water between the two. Both of these orphanages have seen no water, food etc since the quake- we then did 2 more drops in Calrfoufeille- same situation everywhere- nothing getting out to the people- video updates coming soon-thx! Ek

Water Distributed TODAY thanks to YOU (1200 Gallons, 4 Locations)

Here is the water truck you guys put on the street today!
$250 bucks = 1200 gallons distributed to 4 locations!
nice work!

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We’re going to talk to Eric Klein, the founder of to get to the bottom … – A Compassionate Organization offering AID and Relief …

Haiti Update - January 27, 2010

We just left General Hospital and distributed some MUCH needed medical supplies- thanks to Sidney Torres and the CAN-DO Team back in the states- the hospital is having several births a day and a lot of the supply was ironically exactly what they were needing!! So they were very ecstatic when we rolled in with our truck – we divided the remaining supply inventory into 1/3 and will be dropping a two other locations- please keep those supplies coming and we will continue to get them on streets and in the hospitals- Will keep u posted- and should have some vids out tonight to show the impact u guys are all making here in Haiti- thx u!! ek

Update- From the Field- JANUARY 26, 2010 :

heading back to General Hospital(HUEH) and Hospital De La Comminaule (the hospital near the old folks home) – continuing to drop supplies from yesterday’s plane delivery of medical supplies- Thank you Sidney! Also, thank you North Face for your donations and everyone else that has been supporting Project Haiti-