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Author: Protasis

Eric Klein and Steve Paletta return to Denver Childrens Home one year later... … fm?id=1917

Updates coming soon....Rwanda.."Concept to Completion..."

We have just returned from our trip and will be updating you on the progress shortly…
Thank you to Betsy Dickey, International Exchange Program and Ready For Reading Program for making this happen!
The CAN-DO Network

The Kagugu Library Read more


Thanks to the generous donation made by Madison Resource Funding, construction of the new Kagugu School art/photography center is under way!


Above is a blue print on the Art Wing/Photography Center we would like to build off the library. The center will be designed so that the children of Kagugu School may sell there artwork and photos on line through our CAN-DO Originals Dept. ALL money collected for sold the artwork will go directly back to the children and their families and portion will go into building more art centers throughout Rwanda. Our goal is to set them up with their own online store which will teach the entrepreneurial skills needed so they may eventually, with the proper guidance, run their business themselves independently. This will not only bring income into the families but will teach the children the values business. Read more

JOHN FAMICO 1916-2007

Below is a story we did on a barber shop built in Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami in honor of my grandfather, John Famico…

he was the inspiration behind “Johnny’s”…

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